Lead Studies Archive

NCHH's long and rich history in the research of and fight against lead poisoning goes all the way back to its inception in 1992 as the National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. The organization elected in 2001 to broaden its scope into other aspects of healthy housing, resulting in its name change to the National Center for Healthy Housing, but it has continued its lead research and advocacy efforts.

NCHH's research projects have examined lead on porches, windows, in soil, and in common areas. Communities in Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin were among the research sites. NCHH has also examined lead-related laws in Maryland and Wisconsin and even contributed notes to the Environmental Protection Agency as they designed the groundbreaking Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule.

Below are some of the lead studies that NCHH has participated in over the last 25 years:

Cincinnati Home Project


Effectiveness of Maryland's Lead Law (MD 760)

Evaluation of the Milwaukee Lead Ordinance

Evaluation of the City of Rochester's Lead Law

Evaluation of Lead Hazard Interventions in Connecticut 

Field Dust Lead Test Kit Reliability Study 

Home-Based Child Care Lead Safety Program

HUD Lead Hazard Control Grant Program

Lead Dust and Blood Lead Analysis Using NHANES

Lead Dust and Housing Demolition

Lead Dust Cleaning Study in Vermont

Lead Exterior Dust on Porches: Its Significance and Control

Lead Hazard Assessment Tool

Lead Hazards in Common Areas

Lead Poisoning Prevention Six-Year Follow-Up

Lead Poisoning Prevention Using Walk-Off Mats

Lead Risk Assessment Study in Three Communities

Lead Soil Treatment Study in Boston
Non-Governmental Efforts to Address Lead Hazards

Providence Healthy Homes 

Weatherization and Lead Safety

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