Project Name: Building Systems to Sustain Home-Based Asthma Services
Project Funder: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Project Contact: Laura Fudala,
lfudala@nchh.orgProject Description: The implementation of asthma home visiting programs has traditionally been limited in scale, but recent changes resulting from healthcare reform have increased opportunities for states to consider more sustainable and widespread implementation. Some states have already invested heavily in developing programs, policies, and funding to widen the geographic scope of existing asthma home-visiting programs and sustain existing efforts. However, many states may be unsure about how to translate experiences in other states into action in their own state.
In collaboration with EPA, NCHH has developed an eLearning and technical assistance platform to support the launch and growth of large-scale, evidence-based, sustainable asthma home-visiting programs.
Building Systems to Sustain Home-Based Asthma Services will equip staff in public health agencies, state asthma-control programs, state Medicaid agencies, and other housing and health organizations with information about how to build the systems, infrastructure, and financing to put home-based asthma services in place in their own states, communities, or regions.
With guidance on topics such as Medicaid reimbursement opportunities and other financing options, developing a business case, scaling up, referrals and eligibility, staffing and training, supplies and services, community resources, and evaluation and reporting, each of the 10 eLearning modules offers a deeper look into some of the topics and strategies to consider while working to design and implement home-based asthma services.
The modules are approximately 30-45 minutes in length apiece, can be viewed in sequence or as standalone topics, include a wealth of supporting resources, and are available to the public at no cost.
In addition to these publicly available modules, NCHH is leading a team of experts and partners to help catalyze the translation of this information by supporting key state-level staff who are ready and able to demonstrate that that have the capacity needed to drive the development of an asthma home visiting program or service. NCHH will identify and work with these change leaders to emphasize the effectiveness of home visiting programs, assess their state’s existing structure for implementation, determine appropriate training, and support them through the challenge of implementation.
NCHH's eLearning course directory to sign up and start accessing this valuable new resource today!